Candice Faith is here!
I had my scheduled c section on Monday morning. Canidce Faith came out at 9lbs 3 oz! She is healthy and is doing great. I had my tubal done followed by a hernia repair. My hernia was the largest that many on the surgical team had ever seen. My uterus had pushed it's way through the entire muscle wall which was why I was so uncomfortable and why my belly hung so far down. It also left her very vulnerable in the uterus since it was only covered by fat and skin, no muscle to protect it. I'm kind of glad I didn't know that now or I'd be freaked out. I'm sure they would not have let me get so far into pregnancy either or would have been put on hospital bed rest. None of the ultrasounds showed that. I was awake during the entire procedure with my spinal. It was uncomfortable and the entire surgery with C section and hernia repair took over 3 hours. I'm sore but doing pretty good. My stomach looks pretty messed up but it's not hanging anymore which is great. Anyway, Candi is a sweet baby and is so easy going. She sleeps through my other two girls' screams which I'm hoping will continue.
My older girls LOVE their sister. My 6 year old is very good with her, gentle and a big helper. My 22 month old is really being quite good for her age, no jealousy (....yet). She loves to kiss her and touch her ears and nose.
Here are some pics:

Here are some pics:

congratulations hun she is simply adorable and its good to have great and sweet big sisters enjoy and get well soon

Make a pregnancy ticker"> src="" alt="pregnancy due date" border="0" />
Everyone looks wonderful, and I'm glad they got you patched up!
Banded 03/22/06 276/261/184 (highest/surgery/lowest)
Sleeved 07/11/2013 228/165 (surgery/current) (111lbs lost)
Mom to two of the cutest boys on earth.